Ways Resolve SQL Server Recovery Pending State Error in 2023

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Synopsis: let’s discuss methods for Resolving SQL Server Recovery Pending State and the ways to resolve it/fix SQL database in recovery mode.

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This problem can occur many times with SQL Server users. When a SQL database is not starting, it is known as “Pending State”.

The most common cause of SQL Server Pending state is SQL Database partition might be full. In this case, SQL is unable to open the database and cannot lock the database file which is very similar to the database in offline mode. It will appear to the user as if something is preventing the server from starting.

Different States of SQL Server Databases

SQL Server Recovery Pending

If a single or multiple core files cannot be accessed in SQL server, it implies that the SQL server database is corrupted due to some reasons.

Depending on the extent of damage in the SQL database, there are different states of SQL database. Some of them are explained below:

1.Online State: If a single file is damaged and cannot be accessed, the database will remain available and in an online state.

2.Suspect State: In this state, the transaction log file is damaged or lost, which might create obstructions in recovery or preventing transaction rollback from completion. Therefore, it will result in failure of the SQL server database.

3.Recovery Pending State: This state usually occurs when the SQL server knows that recovery of the database is needed, but something is creating hindrance before starting it.

This particular server state is different from the suspect state as it cannot be claimed that database recovery will fail, but it has not started yet, i.e it remains pending.

If you want to know the state of a database, then you can execute the following query statement:

SELECT name, state_desc from sys.databases


Causes of Recovery Pending State in SQL Server

If you know the specific cause of your Recovery pending state in SQL Server, finding a solution becomes a lot easier. The Pending state of SQL database Server happens when:

  • The database is not properly shut down. In other words, one or more unfulfilled transaction remains in the active state at that time and the transaction log file has been deleted.
  • Users might have attempted to transfer the transaction log files to a new drive to solve performance issues related to it. But, this may lead to corruption of log files in some cases.
  • Due to inadequate memory space or disk storage, database recovery cannot be started which might cause the issue of Recovery Pending State in Server.
  • Server partition space might be full.
  • Log files might be corrupted.
  • Hardware failure.
  • Abrupt shutting down of the system or some actions pending from users side.
  • PDF File Corruption.
  • Restarting Servers without any time gap.

Manual Ways of resolving SQL Server Recovery Pending State:

Using manual methods for resolving pending State in SQL Server database is not that simple to implement and requires technical know-how. So, before starting it, make sure you have kept the backup of the SQL Server database. If you are new to this, then it is suggested that you perform it under the guidance of a technical professional or avoid performing it and use the automated method to do the job. So, let us proceed further to know how you can fix or go about Resolving Recovery Pending State in SQL Server Database

Method # 1 By running SQL Queries

In this method, you need to start the forceful repair by, running the below-mentioned SQL queries.



ALTER DATABASE (Database Name) set single_user




ALTER DATABASE (Database Name) set multi_user


2. The database is marked as READ_ONLY by the emergency mode, disable logging, and grants access only to the system admins.

3. Once these steps are performed the file corruption will be fixed, and the database will be online again automatically.

Method # 2. By using emergency mode

In this method, we will try to resolve the issue by making use of Emergency mode, let’s see how.


ALTER DATABASE (Database Name) set multi_user

EXEC sp_detach_ db ‘(Database Name)’

EXEC sp_attach_single_file_db @Database Name = ‘(Database Name)’, @physname = N’(mdf path)’

2. The system will automatically remove the corrupted logs and will build a new one.

If you have followed the above methods and are not able to fix Recovery Pending State in SQL Server Database, then I will recommend you to use Professional SQL Recovery Tool.

Method # 3. By using Professional SQL Database Recovery Tool

You can easily get the job done by using the SQL Database Recovery Tool

Some of the features of this tool are:

• Accurately recovers objects including tables, views, stored procedure, programmability, triggers, default, and functions.

• Performs MDF file recovery along with providing the option to save recovered data in SQL server or SQL Server compatible script format.

• This tool Supports SQL Server ROW-compression and PAGE-compression.

• This tool allows the users to export either schema part of corrupt MDF file or both data and schema part of corrupt MDF file.

• Provides preview option for recovered data before saving them

• Support BLOB, image, XML and other large page data.

• Fully Compatible with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, 2003, XP and 2000 and other Window versions

• Fully Supports SQL Server version: 2000, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016.

To Sum Up

In this blog post, I have tried to explain the possible reasons and the manual methods that you can use for Resolving SQL Server Recovery Pending State. But these methods are not very user-friendly and need technical guidance to use. So, you can easily use the SQL Database Recovery Tool to get the job done easily.

Reference Blog:- 

Tricks to Fix Recovery Pending SQL Server

Resolve SQL Server is in Recovery Pending State Error


About The Author:

I'm a content writer in the field of Email Migration, Data Recovery, Email backup, and File Management. I started this writing career two years back. I think the vast range of information in this industry is the reason I am so fascinated to read about the newer techniques and technology.

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