File Appears To Use A New Format & Not Support Adobe Acrobat

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PDF files are secure documents and famous for its compatibility. Lots of users are using PDF files for saving their important data. But sometimes, an issue occurs with PDF files resulting in “This File Appears To Use A New Format That This Version of Acrobat Does Not Support” message. Users don’t know why it happens and what they can do to fix it. So, there is a complete explanation with their possible fixes given in this technical guide. Just read it and learn the proper solutions until it’s over. 

The PDFs are fully compatible since they are accessible on multiple devices including PCs , tablets, iPods, iPhones, etc. But sometimes, a user is unable to open a PDF file due to certain factors, or a user faces a difficulty in accessing the PDF file due to some errors. 


Also, Read – How to Unlock Password Protected PDF Files Using Manual Solutions?


Some more Features of PDF Documents:


  • The documents can thus rapidly be encrypted, providing the ability to avoid any misuse of the documents.
  • The format of the PDF file is great to access and to view.
  • It works seamlessly with elements that are non-text.
  • There are no errors in alignment, the information stored in PDF is protected and will not trigger any mistakes in alignment if you give it to anyone.

The error is something like ‘this file seems to use a different format that does not support this edition of Acrobat,’ which prohibits a user from accessing Adobe Acrobat PDF documents. You may also disable this warning box, but even after this option it appears again. Mostly the documents are good but certain programmed items from further proceedings are disrupted by the warning box.

Lets, check out the main reasons behind this PDF error.


Reasons behind  “This File Appears To Use A New Format That This Version of Acrobat Does Not Support”:

This problem has only one reason, i.e. file compatibility problem. The newer version of the PDF file is not compatible with the older Adobe Acrobat Reader edition due to which the error occurs. Assume a user tries to open a PDF file v1.3 in Acrobat reader 6.0 then the compatibility concern occurs, then users face the error.

So, let’s start with the complete fixes to solve this error. 

Workarounds to fix “This File Appears To Use A New Format That This Version of Acrobat Does Not Support” Issue:

First, users have to check the version of PDF File to fix error in Adobe PDF format. Follow the steps to fix the error:

  1. Visit the path where Adobe PDF file is saved and make a right-click on it.
  2. Now, press Open With >> Notepad.
  3. A whole header section of the portable document will be shown in which the first line contains the Adobe PDF file version
  4. Knowing the PDF file version, users need to follow the below-mentioned steps. This will enable you to upgrade your machine’s current version of Adobe Acrobat reader:
  • First, launch the Adobe Acrobat Reader on your machine and press Help >> Check for Updates option.
  • If there is an Updater dialog then press Yes.
  • Now the Adobe reader will simply update itself and restart your computer once it is successfully updated. This will correctly change the Adobe Acrobat reader software after it has been modified.

Sometimes, this error may occur due to corruption in the PDF file. So, to get rid of it immediately, you can use the PDF Recovery Tool. It is one of the great ways to fix damaged PDF files quickly. It does not require so much human effort and takes less time to execute. 


In this article, we mentioned methods to fix Adobe PDF file error, i.e. “This File Appears To Use A New Format That This Version of Acrobat Does Not Support”. If you face such an error then take help from this guide. Also, this error may occur due to a corrupted PDF file so the direct utility is explained. I hope this guide helps in fixing the PDF error.

About The Author:

I'm a content writer in the field of Email Migration, Data Recovery, Email backup, and File Management. I started this writing career two years back. I think the vast range of information in this industry is the reason I am so fascinated to read about the newer techniques and technology.

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